It is amazing how often at Sydney Bathroom Reno Masters, we get asked about marble bathrooms.
Marble has been used by master craftspeople throughout the ages to adorn palace floors, ceilings and walls. Although it was once a show of wealth and power, today marble tile is making its way more and more into everyday homes – bathrooms in particular – all over the world.
There was recently a very good article by Houzz featured in You can check out the full article here.
Personally, although marble is an example of supreme elegance, I find it a rather impractical material for bathrooms. Marble is soft and very absorbent, not always ideal in a bathroom! It’s also stains easily and can be readily etched.
Because marble contains minerals, there’s always the risk that its iron content will turn to rust in a bathroom. A beautiful installation can be ruined when the iron buried deep in the marble discolours from humidity and moisture.
I prefer porcelain instead of marble. It looks as good, without the inherent problems of marble.
If you would like further information on bathroom design or bathroom renovation ideas, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime. Even if you want marble…..!!